Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

On this page, you can find answers to questions we get frequently asked by our clients and customers here at Accident Claims.

If you have any questions not covered here, we’d be delighted to answer them. Please call us for free on the number at the top of this page to get started.

How much is my personal injury claim worth?

Every claim varies depending on the extent of your injuries. Your solicitor will examine the severity of the injuries and how long they will take you to recover from. They’ll also look at your financial losses and your ability to work again in the future.

Are there any time limits to making a compensation claim?

In normal circumstances, you have 3 years from the date of the accident in which to submit and issue proceedings for personal injury claims.

In medical negligence claims, you can sometimes argue that the time limit runs from the “date of knowledge”, which is the point in time that you linked your condition with negligence.

What does a No Win No Fee agreement mean?

A no win no fee agreement is where in the event your case loses you won’t be liable to pay any costs. They are also called Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs).

All our personal injury claims are ran on a no win no fee basis. If you need any further clarity please discuss this with our specialist claims team.

If you’re worried about paying fees in a claim, check out our detailed guide here.

Will I need to attend a medical with a doctor?

In most cases, a medical report is needed to evaluate your claim and to make sure that you receive the correct compensation. However, if this is required we will instruct a doctor or specialist as near to your home as possible to reduce travel.

Will I have to go to court?

Not all claims go to court. In fact, only a small percentage, around 5% ever make it that far. The aim of litigation is to reach a settlement and court is seen as the last resort when that settlement can’t be achieved. You can learn more about going to court here.

Can I get an interim payment in a compensation claim?

In some cases, it’s possible to request an interim payment from the defendant. This is where you receive a payment on account to help you manage your bills. This fee is then deducted from your final compensation award, as it’s money taken from that and paid to you in advance of the settlement. They’re common in serious injury claims where the injured person may be unable to work.