£23,000 Compensation Payout For A Fractured Metatarsal At Work – Case Study

By Danielle Griffin. Last Updated 28th September 2022. Welcome to this guide including information relating to personal injury claims payouts for a fractured metatarsal.

In this case study we have researched a case where a claimant suffered a fractured metatarsal at work and needed to make a compensation claim. We will highlight how his personal injury solicitors were able to help him secure a satisfactory level of compensation for his injuries, and the role that this played in his recovery. We will also look at the injuries which the claimant suffered in some detail, as well as looking at how common people are injured in the workplace as a result of similar injuries.

The metatarsals are the main bones in your feet. They connect the midfoot and hind to the bones in your toes. They also serve the function of a join between parts of your foot. Injuries to the metatarsals can be quite common in certain sports, such as football or rugby, as well as more hazardous workplaces. In this case the claimant was injured due to a fall in the workplace. This was caused by improperly prepared flooring which left a protruding stud, an obvious trip hazard. The claimant suffered a fracture to his metatarsal as well as another injury to the heel. After being instructed to pursue the claim on the claimants behalf, solicitors were successful in getting the claimant to admit their liability, and to settle the claim with a payment for £23,000. We will look in further detail later at what the payment was awarded for.

Accident Claims UK have specialist personal injury solicitors and lawyers who are able to work with claimants injured in a variety of situations, from accidents at work, to those on the road, or whilst enjoying leisure activities. If you have been injured in a accident which was not your fault, contact us today to find out if you could be owed compensation. At the bottom of this page we have included information on how to get in touch with us, as well as links to further guides on accidents in the workplace.

Injuries Caused By Workplace Falls

The claimant in this case was walking over to use a machine in their workplace. In doing so they needed to step over several objects obstructing their path. As they stepped around one they placed their foot on the floor stepping on a stud. This caused them to lose their balance and fall over. The result of this was a fracture to the metatarsal and damage to their heel.

Fractured Metatarsal At Work personal injury claims payouts for a fractured metatarsal

Fractured Metatarsal At Work

How common are personal injury compensation claims for injuries caused by an accident at work? It is difficult to say how many people make personal injury claims for accidents at work. However, we can look at statistics and information around how common an accident in the workplace is, and how commonly people are injured as a result of a fall at work. In this case the claimant suffered a fractured metatarsal at work, as well as damage to their heel. For this they received £23,000 in compensation. It is estimated that overall, personal injury compensation for injuries caused by workplace falls could cost as much as £1 billion per year in the UK.

Statistics for injuries caused by falls in the workplace

  • 37% of injuries in the workplace were caused by falls or similar accidents.
  • 28% of fatal injuries at work were caused by this type of accident.
  • 50 people a year are fatally injured due to a fall at work.
  • Of these fatal injuries, 95% were men. This could be due to men working in more high risk industries, such as construction.

You can find further information on the causes and prevention of slips and falls at work at this Health and Safety Executive resource where you will find helpful information for preventing this type of accident at work.

How Serious Is A Fractured Metatarsal?

What is a metatarsal bone and how serious is a fractured metatarsal? Before looking at the nature and severity of a broken metatarsal, we will look at what this bone is and what it does.

The metatarsals are the longer bones through the middle of your feet. They join the toes to the ankle. As well as supporting the foot, they help you to keep your balance whilst moving about. They are however susceptible to breaks. Commonly people suffer a broken metatarsal when there is a sudden impact to the foot, or you sharply twist your foot. This is similar to what happened to the claimant in this case.

The claimants foot injury compensation claim cited that the broken metatarsal bone was the fifth metatarsal. A break or fracture to the fifth metatarsal is the most common form of injury to this family of bones. This is because it sits on the outside edge of your foot. Depending on where the fracture is it can be more difficult to heal. This is because the area closer to the heel (also injured in this case) has a lower blood flow than other areas. Fractures and broken metatarsal bones in this area are often called a ‘dancers fracture’.

Consequences Of The Injury, And How The Case Was Conducted

As as result of their injuries the claimant needed to take a period of time of work. As such their compensation claim reflected this lost income and they were awarded compensation for it. A further result of the accident and the claimant seeking compensation for a broken foot, the employer cut the protruding stud and painted the floor yellow to highlight the danger for other employees.

In relation to the claimant and their case, their personal injury lawyer obtained two separate medical examination by expert doctors. It is common for solicitors to organise a medical exam to obtain supporting evidence. In some cases it may be necessary to have several medical checkups to monitor how an injury or symptoms over time. As well as seeking damages for the injury, they also sought damages for the income lost due to time off work.

What Settlement Was Received By The Claimant

Once the defendant had admitted their liability for the claimants fractured metatarsal at work, solicitors were able to negotiate with them for a payment covering the injuries suffered, their projected future effect on the claimant, and the income which they had lost.

In many instances of either an accident at work or in other situations people will be able to get compensation for their immediate injuries, as well as the long term effect the injury may have on them. You can also often claim for any related expenses, such as medical costs, the cost of getting to and from the doctors or a hospital, and the cost of any care needed. If you have lost income or accrued benefits, you can also often claim for these too.

Damaged Metatarsal – Compensation Payout Examples

If an injury caused by negligence resulted in a damaged metatarsal, you might be wondering how much compensation you could receive in a successful claim.

Your damaged or broken metatarsal claim could include both general and special damages. General damages addresses the pain and suffering brought on by having a damaged metatarsal. Special damages could recover any financial losses caused by your injury, such as prescription costs if you pay for your own prescriptions. However, if you wish to claim for financial losses caused by your broken or damaged metatarsal you will need to provide proof.

The table below contains a rough guide of what you could claim under general damages. The figures are from the 2022 update of the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This is a document used by legal professionals to assign value to injuries. Our table is only to be used as a guideline.

Injury Severity Potential Compensation Notes
Foot amputation (b) £83,960 to £109,650 One foot amputated.
Foot very severe (c) £83,960 to £109,650 Serious permanent disability or severe permanent pain from foot injury.
Foot severe (d) £41,970 to £70,030 Unusually severe injury to one foot or fractures to both feet resulting in mobility restrictions or considerable permanent pain.
Foot serious (e) £24,990 to £39,200 Injuries cause traumatic arthritis, future arthritis risk, prolonged treatment or possible future fusion surgery.
Foot modest (g) Up to £13,740 Puncture wounds, ligament ruptures or simple metatarsal fractures. There might be some continuous symptoms.
Toe amputation (a) £36,520 to £56,080 All toes amputated.
Toe amputation (b) In the region of £31,310 Great toe amputated.
Toe severe (c) £13,740 to £21,070 Injuries resulting in amputations or partial amputations, bursting wounds and significant continuous symptoms.
Toe serious (d) £9,600 to £13,740 Discomfort, pain and sensitive scarring from serious injuries or multiple fractures.
Toe moderate (e) Up to £9,600 Fractures or exacerbation of pre-existing condition.

Our advisors can estimate the value of your broken metatarsal claim if you get in touch.

No Win No Fee Claims For A Fractured Metatarsal Injury

If you have suffered any form of accident at work which was caused by someone else, either through negligence or a deliberate act, you could have a strong case for claiming damages for these injuries, as well as recovering any expenses that you have had to meet. However many claimants worry about how much using a solicitor or lawyer will cost. This is a legitimate worry as in the past (or for other matters) solicitors might charge substantial fees before taking on a case. People can also worry because at the moment of needing to make a claim, such as for a fractured metatarsal at work, they could have had their income affected, compounding issues of costs. This is why we offer many clients a no win no fee contract. As well as serving more general purposes such as setting out what the solicitor will do for the claimant, what services will be provided, and the way in which that they will be provided, the agreement will detail what fees and charges the claimant will need to pay to the solicitor and (crucially) when these fees are due. It should state that at the beginning of your claim, and during the claims process you will not need to make any payments. It should state what fees are due if you are awarded compensation, commonly called a success fee. It will also set out that you do not owe anything if you do not get a payout. The solicitor assumes all the risk, helping to take away any barrier which could have stopped you getting the legal help you need.

This type of services is offered to make sure that anyone who has a legitimate claim which is likely to be successful can make a compensation claim, regardless of whether they could pay for a solicitor upfront or not.

Make A Claim With Accident Claims UK For Personal Injury Claims Payouts For A Fractured Metatarsal

We understand that when it comes to making a claim for compensation for a broken foot there are many different no win no fee solicitors you could use. We think that we offer something different. Our solicitors and lawyers have years and sometimes even decades of previous experience in working to help people like you get the settlement they deserve after being injured in the workplace. Suffering an injury such as a fractured metatarsal at work does not have to be the end of your world. We are also happy to offer many people whom we help solicitors services through no win no fee agreements asa highlighted above. By working with the right solicitor you will get the compensation that you are owed and can concentrate on your recovery.

To take advantage of our no win no fee service, please contact us using the methods below.

Tel: 0800 073 8801
Email: office@accidentclaims.co.uk
Message: www.accidentclaims.co.uk/contact-us

How can I maximise personal injury claims payouts for a fractured metatarsal?

When it comes to maximising personal injury compensation payouts in the UK, the strength of your evidence could have a significant impact. You would need to be able to provide definitive proof that the accident was someone else’s fault, and that that person had a duty of care or a responsibility towards you. That breach of duty must have led to the accident caused your injuries. You would also need to submit medical evidence as part of your claim. This does not mean evidence that you have seen your doctor or hospital for medical advice and medical treatment. You would also have to go and see an independent medical expert, who would be able to provide written evidence of the level of severity of your injuries and your prognosis. This could have a significant bearing on the compensation payout you receive for personal injury claims. Lawyers and the courts could use this medical report to ascertain how much compensation could be appropriate for your pain and suffering. Other evidence that could impact your claim could be evidence of special expenses or special damages. These would be things like loss of earnings, costs for medical care or for care at home. Submitting strong evidence with your claim could give you a good chance of getting the compensation payout you deserve.

Would my solicitor have an impact on personal injury claims payouts for a fractured metatarsal?

There is no doubt that having a legal professional on your side could assist you when you are making a claim for compensation. A legal professional, with years of experience who is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority could help you build a strong a case as possible for compensation. They could negotiate for the maximum compensation settlement for your injuries. Is why it is important to take care when choosing the solicitor or law firm that could best help you with your claim. Some ways in which you could maximise your chances of getting an appropriate lawyer for your claim would be to have a look at review websites which could give you an indication of the level of service they could provide. We would also urge you to investigate whether they could take on your claim on a no win no fee basis, and look at how many years of experience they have and their success rate. Doing so could give you the best chance of getting an appropriate lawyer for your claim. However, if you would like us to do the hard work and finding a lawyer that is appropriate for your needs, we would be happy to do so.

How common are personal injury claims payouts for a fractured metatarsal caused by a road traffic accident?

We cannot give you figures relating to how many metatarsal injuries have been caused by road traffic accidents in the UK. However, we can provide you with some statistics relating to road traffic accidents that happened in 2020 that caused injuries. According to the Department of Transport figures, for 2020, there were over 115,000 casualties from road traffic accidents in the UK. This was despite four months in which the UK was in coronavirus lockdowns. You can see the types of road users injured below.

personal injury claims payouts for a fractured metatarsal

Useful Links Relating To Personal Injury Claims Payouts For A Fractured Metatarsal

Below we have included links to helpful guides on our site for how to make a broken foot at work compensation claim, as well as how much compensation you may get for a broken foot.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Broken Foot?
Find out how to make a claim after suffering an injury to one or both of your feet, as well as how much compensation you could be awarded in this comprehensive compensation claim guide.

Claiming Compensation For Lost Income
Have you lost income after an accident either in the workplace or elsewhere? If so, find out how to claim compensation for lost income or workplace benefits.

NHS Guide To Foot Pain
Find out more about foot health and foot pain in this NHS guide including those resulting in permanent disability.

Health and Safety Executive – Slips
Resources for employers and employees on how to prevent slips and falls in the workplace.

Thanks for reading our guide to personal injury claims payouts for a fractured metatarsal. If you’d like free advice from a friendly solicitor with over 30 years experience helping claimants with injuries including bone fractures, crush injuries, big toe injuries, displaced metatarsal fractures and more, please contact us about your foot injury claim.