Esure Insurance Personal Injury Claims Guide – How To Make Whiplash Injury Claims Against Esure Insurance?

Esure insurnace whiplash claims informationHave you suffered a whiplash injury because of a car accident, or road traffic accident that was not your fault? Accident Claims UK could provide you with a personal injury solicitor who could conduct your claim. In this guide to making a whiplash car insurance claim, if the other driver was insured by Esure, we will explain how this process works.

Who are Accident Claims UK? We are a well respected personal injury solicitors firm, whose solicitors have decades of experience handling whiplash compensation claims. We will always fight to win you the maximum amount of whiplash compensation that you could be entitled to claim. What’s more, we offer all of our customers a No Win No Fee service, which means that there is less financial risk involved for you.

To begin your Esure insurance whiplash claim, call Accident Claims UK on 0800 073 8801 and or use our online claims form to contact us. One of our advisors will be happy to speak to you in-depth and if you have the right to claim, we could supply you with a personal injury solicitor experienced in conducting whiplash compensation claims. Call today for your free whiplash claims consultation, we’re looking forward to hearing from you.

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Everything You Need To Know About Whiplash Claims Against Esure Insurance

Whiplash is a soft tissue injury which can be caused by a sudden impact. One of the most common causes of whiplash injuries is car accidents. If you are injured in a car accident, which was caused by the other driver, you could claim compensation. The compensation may be claimed from the other driver’s insurance company, rather than the driver themselves. As a result, the driver’s insurance premiums may go up. If your whiplash accident was caused by a third party, such as a construction company that spilt oil on the road, causing your car to skid, you may still be able to claim compensation.

Esure is a leading insurance company that provides car insurance to over 2 million customers in the United Kingdom. They provide car insurance, home insurance and travel insurance. They are part of the Esure Group plc, which also owns Sheilas Wheels. Esure was founded in the year 2000, by the businessman Peter Wood, whose previous achievements included launching Direct Line for The Royal Bank of Scotland.

In this guide to making a whiplash personal injury claim against a driver who is insured by Esure, we explain what the harmful effects of whiplash are and how to make an Esure insurance claim for a whiplash injury. We also answer questions you may have, such as “What to do after a car accident?”, “Should I claim for injuries through my own insurance?” or “What is the average payout for whiplash?” We have also included a personal injury claims calculator to help you estimate how much compensation you could be owed.

To begin your whiplash car insurance claim call Accident Claims UK today. We can provide you with an excellent No Win No Fee solicitor to handle your personal injury claim for whiplash. If you have the right to claim, one of our lawyers will be assigned to start working on your case as soon as possible.

What Does A Whiplash Injury Do To Your Body?

What is whiplash? Whiplash is a soft tissue injury which happens when the head is forced beyond its usual range of motion, stretching out the ligaments and tendons, causing strains and sprains. Whiplash mostly affects the neck but the arms can be affected by whiplash too.

What are the symptoms of whiplash? Whiplash symptoms can include extreme pain and a reduced range of motion in the neck and other affected areas. Other symptoms of whiplash include headaches, dizziness and muscle spasms in the arms.

Whiplash can be treated with painkillers. In most cases, whiplash lasts for three months. If whiplash lasts for longer than six months, it is known as chronic whiplash and a doctor might prescribe physiotherapy for the patient. In a small number of cases, whiplash can cause a permanent disability.

What sort of accidents can cause whiplash? Whiplash can be caused by any sort of trauma when a person’s head is forced beyond its normal range of motion. Whiplash injuries can be caused by a violent assault, a sporting injury, or being struck on the head by a falling object. Car accidents and road traffic accidents are also a common cause of whiplash. Whiplash injuries can affect the driver of a car or a passenger. They are often caused by rear-end collisions where another car hits the victim’s car from behind, forcing their head forward.

In the UK drivers have a duty of care towards other road users which includes other drivers and passengers in vehicles. If a driver causes an accident by acting negligently, for example making an error, driving dangerously, or driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol, and then injures another road user as a result, they could be held liable for the injuries and may have to pay the injured person compensation.

If you have suffered a whiplash injury because of a car accident that was not your fault, you could be entitled to make a whiplash personal injury claim. If the other driver was ensured with Esure, you would make an Esure personal injury claim.

To find out more please get in touch with one of our car accident solicitors from Accident Claims UK to begin your compensation claim.

Should I Claim For My Injuries Through My Own Insurance?

Many people who claim compensation for whiplash or other injuries caused by road traffic accidents worry that this may affect their insurance coverage. If you have been injured because of an accident that was not your fault, you could claim compensation from the other driver’s insurance, so your insurance premium would not be affected.

To make an Esure insurance accident claim for whiplash, you may need a solicitor to handle your case because this type of claim is often complicated. Call Accident Claims UK and if we find that you could have grounds for compensation, we could handle your Esure personal injury claim on a No Win No Fee basis.

Things Insurance Companies May Not Want Claimants To Know

Many people believe involving a personal injury solicitor in a whiplash claim is not necessary. Because a personal injury solicitor charges a fee for their specialist services, they believe they would save money if they claim whiplash from an insurance company directly, without getting a solicitor involved. However, if you do this, you may be setting yourself up to be short-changed, and you could loose money in the long run as claimants who don’t hire a solicitor are typically awarded smaller amounts of compensation.

If you are worried about finding the funds to pay for a solicitor, you could make a No Win No Fee claim. This means that you won’t have to worry about paying an upfront fee because the solicitors’ fee is deducted from your final compensation package, making No Win No Fee terms the more affordable option.

Following a Freedom of Information Act Request, research by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) found that claimants received on average three times as much compensation if they rejected an insurance company’s initial offer, and also hired a specialist solicitor to handle their claim.

An experienced and qualified personal injury solicitor would have a better than average idea of how much your claim is worth, making it harder to offer you too small an amount of money, and pressuring you into accepting the inadequate offer. A solicitor would also be able to gather evidence to support your claim, making your case stronger.

Make sure that your Esure insurance whiplash claim is represented by a personal injury solicitor by calling Accident Claims UK today.

Can I Claim If Partially At Fault?

We have established that if you are involved in a car accident that is not your fault, and suffer a whiplash injury as a result, you could be entitled to claim compensation from the other driver’s insurance company. However, not all situations are that simple. There are some situations where the injured person was at least in part responsible for an accident.

In some cases, both parties admit to having partial liability for the accidents. This is called a “knock for knock” situation. If you make a knock for knock whiplash claim, both parties will claim compensation from their insurer.

In other cases involving whiplash claims, both parties blame the other driver for their accident. In this instance, the case will have to go to court and a judge will have to determine who is liable for the injuries caused. If the judge determines that you are partially at fault for your accident, this is known as partial liability. You would be able to claim compensation, but how liable you are judged to be, would be deducted from your final compensation package.

For example, if you are judged to be 25% liable for your accident you will only be able to claim 75% of what your compensation package would have been worth, had the other party been fully liable for your accident. So even if you are partially responsible, you should still be able to make an Esure insurance claim for whiplash.

Call Accident Claims UK today to enquire about making a No Win No Fee Esure insurance whiplash claims. Even if you are partially responsible for your injuries, you may still be able to claim compensation.

What Are Pre-Medical Offers?

If you claim compensation for a whiplash injury, the other driver’s insurance company may offer you what is called a “pre-medical offer”. This means they will make you an offer after the defendant has admitted liability but before you have had a medical assessment of your injuries by a doctor.

We strongly recommend you do not accept one of these offers. The insurer may intentionally underestimate how bad your injuries are, so they can offer you less money than you are actually owed. Instead, we recommend that you have a medical assessment carried out by a doctor who would produce a report which explains what your injuries are, what treatment you will need to recover, how much time you are likely to need to recover and what the ongoing effect on your quality of life will be.

Your solicitor can use the medical report to determine the true value of your whiplash compensation claim, so the other party cannot undervalue your whiplash claim.

Remember, a personal injury solicitor from Accident Claims UK will always fight to win you the maximum amount of compensation you could be entitled to receive. Call Accident Claims UK today, to see if you are entitled to claim compensation.

Should I Accept An Initial Settlement Offer?

If you have suffered a whiplash injury because of negligence on the part of someone else, you could be entitled to claim compensation. Sometimes, the defendant’s insurance company may approach you directly to offer you a settlement for your injuries, without a solicitor representing you. This is called third-party capture or third party assistance.

Whilst it is not illegal, it’s not exactly ethical either, as it can result in the claimant receiving less money than they are entitled to. This is because the person who has been injured may not be aware of their rights. They may not know how seriously they are injured, or have enough legal knowledge to estimate what sort of compensation package they could receive. They may also be emotionally vulnerable having just experienced a traumatic accident, which may make it easier for the insurance company to pressure the person into taking too low an offer.

What to do if you are approached by the defendant’s insurance company? We recommend that you do not agree to anything or sign anything given to you by the other driver, their insurer, or their solicitor, without first involving a solicitor to act on your behalf.

Firstly, this may be an attempt to dupe you into accepting responsibility for an accident that was not your fault, so you will not be able to claim compensation. Secondly, if you are approached with an offer of compensation, the whiplash injury compensation package that you are owed may be too low.

A solicitor can arrange for you to have a medical assessment, resulting in a medical report which will determine how much compensation you are actually owed. You have three years in which to begin a personal injury claim following the date of your accident, so don’t feel that you have to have to accept the first offer that is given to you, so don’t worry about running out of time.

If you have suffered a whiplash injury because of a car accident that was not your fault, call Accident Claims UK to find a personal injury solicitor to take charge of your Esure claim. Our solicitors will work hard to win you the maximum amount of compensation you could be able to claim, depending on your circumstances.

What Is The Average Payout For Whiplash?

Clients often ask us, “What is the average payout for whiplash?” Whiplash claims compensation payouts can vary depending on the severity of the injuries caused. If you have suffered from whiplash because of an accident that was not your fault, you can use our personal injury claims calculator to estimate how much you could be entitled to claim in general damages. Alternatively, call Accident Claims UK and one of our advisers will be able to estimate how much compensation you could be entitled to claim in special damages.

Class Of Injury Comments On Injury Compensation With Uplift
Severe neck injury (i) This is the most severe level of injury to the neck. There are various types of injury which could affect the neck and surrounding tissues. In the region of
Severe neck injury (ii) Very serious soft tissue injuries, fractures or severe dislocations. £61,710 to £122,860
Severe neck injury (iii) May include severe forms of fracture or dislocation to the neck. £42,680 to £52,540
Moderate neck injury (i) Dislocations or fractures to the neck. £23,460 to £36,120
Moderate neck injury (ii) Wrenching type soft tissue injuries to the neck. £12,900 to £23,460
Moderate neck injury (iii) This may include an injury which could have affected a pre-existing condition. Recovery should last 5 years or less. £7,410 to £12,900
Minor neck injury (i) Minor levels of injury presenting a variety of symptoms and which last for a total of between 1 & 2 years. £4,080 to £7,410
Minor neck injury (ii) Short term injuries with symptoms lasting between 3 & 12 months. £2,300 to £4,080
Minor neck injury (iii) Cases where you could fully recover in three months. Up to £2,300

Damages Which May Be Included In A Whiplash Claim

General damages: These are the damages you receive for the pain suffering and loss of amenity caused by your injuries. They are normally the largest part of a compensation payout.

  • You will also receive secondary damages as part of your compensation package. These reimburse you for any money you have had to spend, as a result of your injuries
  • Medical expenses: You can be reimbursed for the cost of any medication, physiotherapy or other medical treatments you have needed as a result of your whiplash injuries
  • Travel costs: If you have had to travel to hospital or doctors appointments you can claim back your expenses
  • Care costs: If a friend or family member cared for you whilst you were injured you may be able to claim a compensation settlement on their behalf to give to them for their troubles
  • Mobility equipment, home and car adaptations: If you suffered from a rare case of whiplash where you became disabled as a result, you could be entitled to claim compensation for any mobility equipment or adaptations to your home or your car that you may be in need of.
  • Loss of income: If you have had to take time off work because of your injuries, you will be able to claim back any salary payments, or in work benefits that you missed

No Win No Fee Esure Insurance Whiplash Claims

If you have suffered a whiplash injury because of an accident that was not your fault, you could claim compensation for your injuries. We will give you the option to make a No Win No Fee claim. This means that you will not have to pay an upfront fee when you make your Esure personal injury claim. Instead, you will only have to pay your solicitors fee if and when you win your whiplash compensation claim. This makes No Win No Fee claims the less risky option for many.

To find out more, please call Accident Claims UK today, to enquire about making an Esure insurance whiplash claim.

Contact Accident Claims UK

To begin your Esure insurance whiplash claim, call Accident Claims UK today on 0800 073 8801. If we find that you are eligible to make a claim, one of our panel of solicitors could help you to make your claim for whiplash.

Resources For Victims Of Whiplash

An NHS Guide To Whiplash And Whiplash Treatment – Find out more about treatment for whiplash injuries in this NHS guide.

An NHS Scotland Guide To Whiplash Injuries – This guide from NHS Scotland look in greater depth at whiplash injuries.

Reforming the soft tissue injury (whiplash) claims process – Reforms to the whiplash claims process.

Article by HC (Hanna)

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