When To Make Roofer Accident Claims For Workplace Injuries

In this guide, we will discuss the criteria of eligibility that must be met to make roofer accident claims. Therefore, we will explore the duty of care that your employer owes you and how it can be breached. If it is breached and you are injured as a result, this is negligence, for which you could be eligible to pursue compensation.  Additionally, we will look at how long you have to begin your claim, along with what evidence can be gathered to prove negligence in your case. 

Roofer Accident Claims

Workplace Roofer Accident Claims Specialists

Working as a roofer can involve physical labour and work at heights. This could present risks of injuries sustained in a fall from a height or due to a manual handling accident. Later in this guide, we will look at various injuries that could be sustained in a roofer accident at work and provide guideline compensation brackets.

Also, you can speak with an advisor from our team at any time, who can provide you with free and confidential legal advice regarding your personal injury claim. They will not obligate you to further your claim with our solicitors. 

To get in touch: 

Jump To A Section

  1. Who Can Make Roofer Accident Claims?
  2. Examples Of Roofing Accidents At Work
  3. How Do I Prove I Was Injured In An Accident At Work?
  4. Workplace Roofer Accident Claims Settlements
  5. Contacting No Win No Fee Workplace Roofer Injury Claims Specialists
  6. Further Information On Roofer Accident Claims

Who Can Make Roofer Accident Claims? 

All employers must uphold the duty of care outlined in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA). This piece of legislation states that employers must carry out all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the safety of their employees. These steps include providing proper training to employees and carrying out risk assessments. 

Furthermore, The Work at Height Regulations 2005 lays out the duties employers must adhere to where work is carried out at height. Every employer is expected to take reasonably practicable measures to prevent employees from falling a distance that could cause personal injury.

To meet the criteria of eligibility to make an accident at work claim, the following must be true for your case:

  • Your employer owed you a duty of care in the location and at the time of your accident.
  • They breached this duty of care.
  • Due to this breach, you suffered mental harm and/or physical injuries.

Therefore, not all accidents in the workplace will lead to a personal injury claim. For example, your employer might have taken all reasonably practicable steps to ensure your safety. However, you sustained injuries as you did not adhere to the training you were provided. In this case, you would not be able to make a compensation claim. 

Workplace Accident Claim Time Limits 

Under the Limitation Act 1980, time limits apply to beginning roofer accident claims. You generally have three years to start a claim from: 

  • The date you were injured.
  • The date of knowledge – This can apply from the date you learned of employer negligence concerning your injuries. 

There are some circumstances where exceptions can be made to these time limits. For example, if the injured person was under 18 at the time the accident occurred, the time limit will not begin until their eighteenth birthday. Alternatively, they could have a court-appointed litigation friend claim on their behalf before this time. 

To enquire further about the exceptions to these time limits and discover whether they may apply to your claim, please contact a member of our team. Our advisors are available 24/7 and can provide free legal advice regarding roofer accident claims at a time most convenient for you.  

Examples Of Roofing Accidents At Work 

There are various potential ways a roofer accident could occur at work. We have included some examples below:

  • You are removing faulty tiles from a roof. It begins to rain, making the roof slippery. This causes you to slip and fall from the roof, leading to a severe head injury
  • You are given a faulty ladder as a way to access a roof. As a result, you fall, resulting in an ankle injury and a broken wrist
  • Before you start work on the roof, the roof is not risk assessed. Therefore you are not made aware of the damage to the roof. Subsequently, you fall through the roof and sustain a back injury

How Do I Prove I Was Injured In An Accident At Work? 

When making workplace roofing accident claims, it is important that evidence of employer negligence is provided. To strengthen your claim, you could provide: 

  • The accident at work book
  • CCTV footage of the accident 
  • Photographs of the scene and any physical injuries
  • Medical records 
  • A diary of your symptoms to display any emotional impacts 
  • Witness contact details for statements to be taken at a later date 

A solicitor can help you to gather evidence to support your claim. Please speak with one of our advisors to discuss the evidence you could obtain and how a solicitor could help you.

Workplace Roofer Accident Claims Settlements 

There are up to two heads of successful workplace roofer accident claims. Firstly, you could receive compensation under the general damages head of claim for any physical or mental pain and suffering resulting from your injuries. This also considers the impact your injuries have on your quality of life. 

We have compiled the table below using the 16th edition of the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). The table contains compensation bracket guidelines for various injuries. Legal professionals, such as accident at work solicitors, can use the JCG to assist them when valuing the general damages head.

Guideline Compensation Amounts

Type of Injury Severity Details Guideline Compensation Bracket
Brain Damage Moderately Severe (b) The person will have serious disabilities, which result in them being substantially dependant on others and need constant care. £219,070 to £282,010
Brain Damage Less Severe (d) The injured person will have recovered to a good level where they can return to work and take part in their normal social life. £15,320 to £43,060
Back Injuries Severe (a)(i) This brackets includes the most severe injuries involving spinal cord and nerve root damage. This will lead to a combination of very serious consequences. £91,090 to £160,980
Neck Injuries Severe (a)(i) An injury to the neck that is associated with incomplete paraplegia or that leads to spastic quadriparesis of a permanent nature. In the region of £148,330
Neck Injuries Severe (a)(ii) Injuries typically involving fractures of a serious nature or damage to discs in the cervical spine. They will give rise to disabilities of considerable severity, such as substantial loss of neck movement. £65,740 to £130,930
Leg Injuries Severe (b)(i) This bracket involves the most serious injuries that fall short of amputation. Such injuries can include extensive degloving of the leg. £96,250 to £135,920
Knee Injuries Severe (a)(i) A serious injury that causes the joint to be disrupted, gross ligamentous damage and further problems. £69,730 to £96,210
Wrist Injuries (a) An injury that leads to a complete loss of functionality in the wrist. £47,620 to £59,860
Arm Injuries Injuries Resulting in Permanent and Substantial Disablement (b) One or both forearms will have been seriously fractured leading to either functional or cosmetic significant permanent residual disability. £39,170 to £59,860
Arm Injuries (d) Forearm fractures of a simple nature. £6,610 to £19,200

These figures should only be used as guidance. This is due to the differing details of each personal injury claim.

Can You Claim Special Damages If Injured At Work? 

Secondly, you could be eligible to receive special damages for any financial losses caused by your injuries. Examples of this could include: 

  • Loss of earnings 
  • Home adaptations 
  • Care costs 
  • Travel expenses 

It is important to note you will need to provide evidence of these losses. This may include bank records, travel tickets, payslips and invoices. If you would like a more personalised insight into the amount of personal injury compensation you could be eligible to receive, please get in touch with an advisor from our team.

Contacting No Win No Fee Workplace Roofer Injury Claims Specialists 

Our team of advisors could put you in correspondence with one of our No Win No Fee solicitors should they find that you may have valid grounds to make a claim. A solicitor could offer to work on your claim via a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This type of No Win No Fee agreement generally means payment for your solicitor’s services will not be required upfront, throughout the ongoing claims process or at any time if your claim is unsuccessful. 

However, if your claim is successful, a No Win No Fee solicitor can take a success fee from the compensation. This is a small percentage capped by law, meaning that you will receive the majority of the compensation. 

If you would like to learn more about the potential benefits of using No Win No Fee solicitors for roofer accident claims, contact one of our advisors. 

Get In Contact With Our Team 

If you would like a free consultation with a member of our team, please get in touch. You can:

Further Information On Roofer Accident Claims 

Here we have provided further guides from our website on accident at work claims: 

Furthermore, we have included additional reading that can help you when claiming for a work injury as a roofer: 

Thank you for reading this guide on roofer accident claims. If you have any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our advisors.