This guide will help you understand if you can claim personal injury compensation if you have slipped on ice at work. We discuss the legal responsibility your employer has to keep you safe and note how their negligence could be the foundation of your claim.
Next, you can get an impression of what a claim looks like through an example case study. As the guide progresses, we note the forms of evidence that could contribute to a successful claim and what that success could bring in terms of compensation.
Finally, we explain the benefits of working with our No Win No Fee accident at work solicitors.
Slipped On Ice At Work Compensation Claims Guide
Learn even more by calling and talking to an advisor. They can also assess your claim and potentially forward you to one of our solicitors. There are many ways to get through to us:
- Call 0800 073 8801.
- Contact us through our website.
- Speak to an advisor in the live chat pop-up below.
Select A Section
- Can I Claim If I Slipped On Ice At Work?
- Case Study – Slipping On Ice In A Freezer At Work
- Check What Evidence Could Support A Workplace Injury Claim
- Examples Of What You Could Claim If You Slipped On Ice At Work
- No Win No Fee Slipped On Ice At Work Claims
- Discover More About Workplace Injury Claims
Can I Claim If I Slipped On Ice At Work?
When you are working, your employer is responsible for ensuring your safety. Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 explains that they should take all reasonably practicable steps to maintain welfare.
If you slipped on ice or snow at work and your employer could have prevented it, they may be at fault.
You are eligible to make a personal injury claim after an accident at work if you show that:
- Your employer owed you a duty of care.
- They breached their duty.
- This led to an accident where you suffered physical and/or mental harm.
Is There A Time Limit On My Claim?
There is a limitation applied to any personal injury claim, established in law through The Limitation Act 1980. Generally, you have three years from the accident date to start a personal injury claim.
Get in touch to discuss your claim for slipping on ice at work, and you can ask for help identifying your time limit. A small number of exceptions can apply and extend the time someone has to start legal action, so it is worth asking, even if your accident was a while ago.
Case Study – Slipping On Ice In A Freezer At Work
This illustrative case study focuses on Ms Hutton, an employee at a large supermarket chain.
Part of Ms Hutton’s role was organising the walk-in freezer on the premises. She made her manager aware that the floor had begun to ice up because the door had been left open for too long. However, the employer did not take action to address the excess ice or provide the correct personal protective equipment, such as non-slip shoes, for the employee to wear.
After a few weeks, the floor had frozen over. Ms Hutton was moving a box when she slipped and fell, banging her head and badly fracturing her arm. She also reported pain and stiffness in her back and neck.
Ms Hutton learned that she could seek compensation for the impact of her injuries. Her solicitor helped submit a claim on time and presented the evidence she had been able to gather.
The case was settled in Ms Hutton’s favour. As well as compensating for the slip and fall injuries and how they affected her quality of life, her payout addressed lost earnings from missing work for nine months, and the mobility aids she bought for her recovery.
If you are considering legal action having slipped on ice at work, please give us a call and an advisor can advise you on your next steps.
Check What Evidence Could Support A Workplace Injury Claim
Claimants will find their claim has a much higher chance of success with plenty of supporting evidence on their side. A solicitor could be instructed to present any or all of the following during a case:
- Witness statement
- CCTV footage.
- Photographic evidence of the accident scene.
- Medical records.
- A copy of the accident book kept by your workplace.
If you have a valid claim and are working with one of our solicitors, they will gather all the proof. For more information on the services a dedicated legal representative can provide, just give us a call.
Examples Of What You Could Claim If You Slipped On Ice At Work
Winning a personal injury claim means you could receive a payout that is split into two categories, known as heads of a claim.
General damages can compensate for physical pain and psychological damage. Legal professionals will consider where you were hurt when you slipped on ice at work and how severely before placing a value on your injuries.
They may use the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG.) This publication features guideline compensation brackets, including those for injuries that could be suffered in a workplace slip.
Compensation Table
The table you can see below features figures and descriptions from the JCG. Please remember that these brackets are only a guide, and calculations made during a claim will not rely entirely on them.
INJURY | SEVERITY | Guideline Brackets | COMMENTS |
Head | Very Severe | £282,010 to £403,990 | The injured person may only have some ability to follow basic commands in the most severe cases. |
Paralysis | Paraplegia | £219,070 to £284,260 | Different factors, such as the presence and extent of pain and the injured person’s life expectancy, affect the award level. |
Back | Severe (i) | £91,090 to £160,980 | The most severe injuries that lead to a combination of very serious consequences that are unusual for back injury cases. They cause severe pain and disability. Incomplete paralysis is combined with significantly impaired bladder, bowel and sexual function. |
Severe (ii) | £74,160 to £88,430 | Cases that may include nerve root damage with a loss of sensation, impaired mobility, impacted bladder and bowel function, unsightly scarring and sexual difficulties. | |
Hand | Serious Damage to Both Hands | £55,820 to £84,570 | Injuries bring about permanent cosmetic disability and a significant loss of function. |
Knee | Severe (ii) | £52,120 to £69,730 | Leg fractures that extend into the knee joint. The pain caused is constant and permanent, limiting movement and leaving the injured person prone to osteoarthritis. |
Wrist | Injuries Resulting in Complete Loss of Function | £47,620 to £59,860 | An example is where an arthrodesis has been undertaken. |
Arm | Injuries Resulting in Permanent and Substantial Disablement | £39,170 to £59,860 | A serious fracture of at least one forearm. A significant residual disability occurs and is permanent. |
Foot | Serious | £24,990 to £39,200 | Injuries leading to ongoing pain from traumatic arthritis or the risk of future arthritis. There is prolonged treatment and a risk of fusion surgery. |
Leg | Less Serious Injuries (i) | £17,960 to £27,760 | Fractures from which an incomplete recovery is made. Alternatively, the injured person suffers serious soft tissue injuries. |
Examples Of Additional Damages
The second possible head of a claim is for the financial effects of injuries, known as special damages. They can only appear in a payout alongside general damages. You should gather any documents, including payslips, bank statements and invoices, to highlight the likes of:
- Loss of earnings if you cannot go back to work, whether temporarily or permanently.
- Medical costs.
- Travel expenses.
- Payments for mobility aids or home adjustments.
Give us a call and ask an advisor about the two types of damages, and they can explain what you could seek compensation for if you have grounds to claim.
No Win No Fee Slipped On Ice At Work Claims
You can find out if you have a valid personal injury claim by calling us. If you do, you could be connected to one of our solicitors, who could offer you their expert support and insight under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).
A CFA is a type of No Win No Fee deal that could benefit you as your solicitor would not ask you to pay them for their work upfront. Furthermore, you do not have to pay them during the claim, or even at the end should the case fail.
If you win, the solicitor would then collect a small percentage of the compensation. Because of The Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013, there is a strict cap on the proportion of a payout that can go to the solicitor.
Get In Contact With Us
As well as evaluating your potential claim for a work-related injury, an advisor can discuss the particulars of workplace accident claims and answer your questions. If you have slipped on ice at work and believe your employer was at fault, share the experience with us today or ask us to call at an ideal time for you.
Any of these routes will lead to a dedicated advisor who is ready to help you:
- Calling 0800 073 8801.
- Going to our website to contact us.
- Joining us on live chat below.
Discover More About Workplace Injury Claims
We have numerous useful guides that could help you, like these:
- “What are my legal rights after an accident at work?” Check out our article for the answer to this question.
- If you had an accident at work because an employer provided no safety goggles, read this guide.
- Our guide for people who have asked, “I slipped at work and hurt my back, am I able to claim?”
You can also get relevant information from the below:
- Guidance from the NHS on how to get back to normal after surgery.
- Government information on how to access CCTV footage of yourself.
- Workplace safety statistics from the Health and Safety Executive.
If you have slipped on ice at work and want to know more about seeking compensation, give us a call. Thank you for taking the time to read our guide.