Hotel Accident Compensation Claims – How Much Can I Claim?

By Stephen Burke. Last Updated 3rd April 2024. Welcome to our guide on hotel accident claims, where we’ll look at the process of claiming hotel accident compensation. There are many reasons why you might need to claim hotel accident compensation due to an accident in a hotel room. On this page, you will find a full and detailed guide aimed at people who believe they have a valid reason to make a hotel personal injury claim.

 hotel reception desk with bell and key on it

However, if you would rather skip over the guide and move straight forward to making a claim for hotel compensation, you can call Accident Claims UK on 0800 073 8801.

Accident Claims UK has a proven track record of claiming significant compensation for hotel accident claims for our clients over the last 30 plus years. Our No Win No Fee is the simplest, most efficient and financially risk-free way to make such a compensation claim. You can find our contact details at the end of this guide. We could help you claim for suffering, pain and financial loss from a hotel accident that wasn’t your fault.

Select a Section:

  1. Payouts In Hotel Accident Compensation Claims
  2. Am I Eligible To Claim For Hotel Accident Injuries?
  3. How Long Do I Have To Claim For A Hotel Accident?
  4. Top Tips On Proving Hotel Accident Compensation Claims 
  5. Making A Hotel Accident Claim With A No Win No Fee Solicitor
  6. Useful Links Relating To Hotel Accident Claims

Payouts In Hotel Accident Compensation Claims

Hotel accident claims payouts can vary significantly between cases. How much compensation you receive will be affected by the specific factors of your case.

Successful personal injury claims could result in general damages and special damages. 

General damages compensate you for the suffering and pain you’ve endured due to the hotel accident you were injured in. Those who calculate such damages could refer to the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help them. This publication gives guideline compensation brackets for different injuries at various levels of severity.

Below, we have used figures from the JCG to create this table. However, this is only meant as guidance. Furthermore, the first figure is not from the JCG.

Injury Type Compensation Bracket Notes
A combination of serious injuries including financial expenses. Up to £1,000,000+ Settlements for multiple serious injuries and associated financial costs, such as care costs, medical expenses and loss of income.
Severe Back Injuries (a) (i) £91,090 to £160,980 Severe damage to the nerve roots and spinal cord, leading to very serious consequences.
Severe Shoulder Injuries (a) £19,200 to £48,030 Usually associated with neck injuries and involve damage to the brachial plexus.
Shoulder Injuries (e) £5,150 to £12,240 A clavicle fracture. Various effects such as the extent of the fracture will affect the amount awarded.
Less Severe Brain and Head Injuries (d) £15,320 to £43,060 A good recovery that facilitates a return to normal working and social life.
Minor Brain and Head Injuries (e) £2,210 to £12,770 Little to no brain damage. Various factors such as the severity of the initial injury will impact the amount awarded.
Severe Leg Injuries (b) (iv) Moderate £27,760 to £39,200 Severe crush injuries, multiple or complicated fractures to a single limb.
Moderate Neck Injuries (b) (i) £24,990 to £38,490 Dislocations and fractures with immediate symptoms that may require spinal fusion.
Moderate Ankle Injuries (c) £13,740 to £26,590 Ligamentous tears and fractures masking it difficult to stand or walk for long periods.
Moderate Foot Injuries (f) £13,740 to £24,990 Continuing symptoms and a permanent deformity due to displaced metatarsal fractures.
Arm Injuries (d) £6,610 to £19,200 Simple fracture of the forearm.

What Can I Include in My Hotel Accident Claims?

When it comes to hotel negligence cases, what you can claim for will largely be decided by the decision made by the courts in your hotel injury lawsuit. However, typically, you will claim two separate types of damages. General damages and special damages form your potential hotel accident compensation, and we explain them below:

General Damages

General damages in hotel accident claims are claimed for all of the physical aspects of your injury, such as:

  • Physical pain and suffering – the actual pain that you felt both when you were injured and also while in recovery.
  • Mental anguish and trauma – the shock of the accident, and also the worry and trauma of having to receive treatment, etc.

Special Damages

Special damages in hotel accident claims are based on the non-physical aspects of your injury, such as:

  • Medical costs – if you have had to pay for any medical treatment, or had to pay prescription charges for medication, then these costs can be claimed back.
  • Travel costs – if you have had to pay for any travel related to the injury, such as having to get a taxi to the hospital, or even having to travel to visit your solicitor, then these costs can be claimed back.
  • Loss of earnings – if you have had to take time off work or have suffered a drop or loss in income due to your injury, then you will be able to claim this loss back.
  • Loss of prospects – if your injury is serious enough to affect your working ability in the long term, thus reducing your prospects of developing your career, you will be able to claim for this.
  • Additional losses – you may have had to miss the wedding of your child or perhaps miss a holiday that had already been paid for. You will be able to claim damages to make up for this.
  • Property damage – if any of your belongings were damaged during the accident, then they can be claimed as well. For example, if you were to trip on the carpet in your hotel room and grab for a table to stop your fall, which caused something such as your laptop to fall on the floor and break.
  • Other health issues – if your injury has caused additional new medical conditions to develop, or exacerbated an existing one, then this can also be claimed for. An example of this is somebody who has developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to the mental trauma caused by dealing with the accident, injury and the effect it has had on their day to day life.

There are more reasons to claim damages than the ones outlined above, but these are the most common. And this also applies to staff if they have an accident at work while working for a hotel. If you call Accident Claims UK to discuss hotel accident claims on the number at the bottom of this page, we will be able to give you a better idea of the damages you might be able to claim in your specific case.

Am I Eligible To Claim For Hotel Accident Injuries?

When you are in a public place, such as a hotel, the organisation or individual in control of that space owes you a duty of care to ensure your reasonable safety while you are using that space. This is set out in the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. For example, they should be performing regular risk assessment and maintenance checks on any equipment that is used within the hotel, such as lifts.

To be eligible to make a hotel accident claim for personal injury compensation, you must meet the following requirements:

  •       You were owed a duty of care.
  •       This duty was breached.
  •       You suffered injuries as a result.

You can speak with an advisor from our team about these exceptions. Get in touch using the contact information at the top of the page.

How Long Do I Have To Claim For A Hotel Accident?

The Limitation Act 1980 establishes a three-year time limit for hotel injury compensation claims. This normally begins from the date your injury occurred. However, the time limit can work differently under certain circumstances.

When a child has been injured in a hotel accident, the time limit for starting a claim will be put on hold until they turn 18 years old. A litigation friend could start a claim on the child’s behalf before they reach that age. If this doesn’t happen though, then the injured party will have three years to start their own claim from the date of their 18th birthday.

If the injured person lacks the mental capacity to start their own hotel injury claim, then the time limit will be frozen indefinitely. In these circumstances, a litigation friend could begin a claim on behalf of the injured person. If, however, the injured party later regains their mental capacity and a claim has not been made, then they will have three years to start their own claim from the day of recovery.

To learn more about the eligibility requirements for hotel injury claims, you can contact our advisors for free today either online or by giving us a call.

Top Tips On Proving Hotel Accident Compensation Claims

If you’ve had an accident in a hotel that was caused by negligence, you may be able to claim compensation for any injuries sustained. However, you will need to provide evidence to help support your claim. The more you have, the better. 

Here are some examples of proof of negligence you could gather for hotel accident claims:

  • Visual evidence – This could cover photographs and CCTV footage, for example. You have the right to make a request for CCTV footage that you appear in. However, you should do it as soon as reasonably possible in case the footage is lost or destroyed.
  • Medical records – These will contain vital information on your injuries and the treatment that followed. 
  • Witness contact details – There may have been onlookers when you were injured. By making sure you have a way of contacting them at a later date, you can make sure you have a chance of them submitting a written statement to corroborate your story.

If you want to know more about how you can prove your accident in a hotel was not your fault, get in touch with our advisors today. We are on hand 24/7 to assist you in any way we can.

sign for a hotel

Making A Hotel Accident Claim With A No Win No Fee Solicitor

If you’re eligible to start a hotel injury claim, you may wish to get professional help. A solicitor could help you gather relevant evidence to support your claim. They could also negotiate a compensation settlement for you and support you through the claims process.

One of our solicitors could offer to take your claim on under a No Win No Fee arrangement, known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). Under a CFA, you would not pay your solicitor for their work upfront or while your case is ongoing. Furthermore, you would not need to pay them for their services should your claim be unsuccessful.

If your claim is successful, they will deduct a success fee from your payout.

To learn whether one of our solicitors could assist you with your hotel injury compensation claim on a No Win No Fee basis, please contact an advisor. They can be reached by.

Useful Links Relating To Hotel Accident Claims

Thank you for reading our guide on hotel accident claims. We hope that it’s been helpful to you in claiming your hotel accident compensation.