A Guide To Horse Riding Injury Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?

By Jo Jeffries. Last Updated 1st February 2023. Within this guide, we are going to take a look at horse riding accident claims. If you’ve had an accident while horse riding, such as a fall from a horse, or another type if injury from horse riding, and you believe it was someone else’s fault, this guide could help.

Those working with or riding horses  can be exposed to the risk of  horse riding injuries whether it’s an equestrian accident or an accident at work in the livery yards. There are a variety of horse riding injuries, causing anything from mild to life-altering severe damage, such as that from brain injuries or spinal cord injuries. Victims could look at filing accident claims, and receiving compensation for a horse riding accident.

Horse Riding Dangers

Horse riding injury types range from a sprain, strains, and soft tissue injuries to serious injuries to the head, brain, or spine.

A horse riding accident could result from actions or negligence on the part of the rider or other person injured; they can be caused by someone else’s actions, such as a riding school or other rider. So, what should you do if you suffered a horse riding injury as a result of third party negligence? Injuries can happen to new riders if placed on a horse that is not safe or through events carried out when conditions (such as the weather) are dangerous.

If your horse riding injury was caused by a third party or resulted from an accident that was not your fault, whether you were crushed by a horse, thrown from a horse or someone crashed into you, you could be eligible to make a horse riding injury claim. Please take a look at our guide on horse riding accident claims to learn more. And you can get in touch anytime to start your No Win No Fee claim.

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A Guide To Horse Riding Injury Claims

If you have suffered from injuries associated with horse riding, which were the result of someone else’s actions or negligence, you could be entitled to make a personal injury claim. In the sections below, we take you through the process of making a personal injury claim after a horse riding accident.

Horse riding accident due to the horse running into the barriers rather than jumping over

Under the 1971 Animals Act, people can make a personal injury claim for injuries that arise from horse riding accidents. To successfully make a personal injury compensation claim, you will need to clearly show who was responsible for your accident or the circumstances that led to it happening. Claims for horse riding injuries may be brought against the person responsible for the horse (this could be the keeper or owner of the horse), or it could be the person, or persons, who organised the event at which the horse riding activity took place.

In the rest of the guide below, we will look at examples of horse riding accidents and injuries and the reasons leading to horse riding accident claims.

Statistics For Horse Riding Accidents And Injuries

Statistics show that horse riding injuries and accidents in the UK do happen, and figures available show that 38 horse riders and around 222 horses were killed on the UK’s road network between 2010 and 2017. In 2014, there were also 100 cases of people being injured by a horse in some way. This represented a typical number of accidents and injuries. Further horse riding injury statistics for the same year show that one person was killed through other types of horse riding accidents, and 23 people suffered a serious injury. Further to this, there was one child involved injured whilst horse riding.

Source: https://emj.bmj.com/content/19/5/412

Contact our team to learn more about making such claims.

Horse Riding Injures – What Are Some Examples?

According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA), in 2019, 22 serious injuries were reported to the police involving ridden horses, and 43 slight injury collisions.

This section looks at some examples of horse riding injuries. In order to avoid confusion about the horse being injured, we will only focus on what may happen to a rider falling off a horse.

When involved in an accident involving a horse, an injury you could sustain may include:

If you’ve suffered horse riding injuries, get in touch with our advisors to find out if you’re eligible to make a claim.

Am I Eligible To Make A Horse Riding Injury Claim?

To be eligible to make a personal injury claim for a horse riding accident, there are criteria that you or the circumstances surrounding your accident or injury must fulfil. So, to successfully make horse riding accident claims, these circumstances must include:

  • Your horse riding injuries must have been caused wholly, or in part, by someone else’s negligence. You are not eligible to make a compensation claim if you were wholly responsible for your accident or injuries.
  • You need to clearly demonstrate that this other party was liable/ responsible for your accident to be able to claim successfully.
  • Your accident needs to have happened in the last three years. Whilst there are some circumstances which suspend this time limit, it is the general rule.

If the circumstances of your accident fit these criteria, you may well be eligible to make a compensation claim for your horse riding injury.

Claims For Injuries Caused By Loose Horses

Horses should be kept in specified areas and should not be allowed or able to roam loose. If they do, they can cause accidents or injuries to the public or cause road traffic accidents. If your injuries were caused by a horse that escaped from its paddock or stable, the owner of the horse or operator of the stables is liable. It could be shown that they were negligent or otherwise were responsible for the injuries which you suffered. In this case, you should be able to make a personal injury claim.

Accidents And Injuries At Work Caused By A Horse

Working with animals can carry inherent risks, and those working with horses are no different. Those working in stables, horse racing and other equestrian events, or a livery, could suffer horse-related injuries and be eligible to make a compensation claim. Workplace horse riding injuries can be the fault of another staff member, your employer or the party responsible for the horse. Those at fault could have been negligent in how they carried out their duties or could have failed to follow relevant health and safety legislation/ steps correctly.

If you happen to have any questions relating to horse riding accident claims, why not take the time to contact our team?

How To Start A Horse Riding Injuries Claim

If you were injured in an accident while horse riding, and it is caused by a third party breaching their duty of care, it could be possible for you to claim compensation. There are certain steps you could take to support your claim after suffering an injury from horse riding. Some of these include the following:

  1. Seek medical help for your injuries. If you fall off a horse and suffer serious injuries, you should seek medical attention. This can allow you to get the treatment you need and produce medical records to support your claim.
  2. Take photographs of the accident scene and, if appropriate, your injuries. 
  3. Gather witness contact details. Should there be witnesses to your accident, you could ask for their contact details. That way, they could be approached to provide a statement at a later date.
  4. Obtain legal advice. By doing so, you could be sure of what your rights are when it comes to claiming. You could also ask questions about the claims process and your chances of securing compensation.

If you would like the team at Accident Claims UK to check your eligibility to claim, please call us. We could provide such a check free of charge.

What Can I Include In My Horse Riding Injury Claim

When calculating horse riding accident claims, several different factors can go into making up your final award. These include:

General damages are calculated and paid out for the physical and psychological injuries and damage you have suffered. This can include the immediate effect the injuries had on you, as well as their long-term effects, such as temporary or permanent loss of function.

Special damages, which are awarded for effects of the injury on other parts of your life, such as any financial costs you have incurred and any you expect to incur in the future. However, in order to recover costs related to your horse riding injuries, you will need to supply proof. For example, if you would like to recover any lost income, you could present your payslips. Medical costs, such as prescriptions, could be recovered with receipts.

To find out what and how much you could claim, contact our team today.

Horse Riding Accident – Compensation Payout Examples

As explained, general damages is the amount of compensation that could be awarded for the pain or distress of your physical and psychological injuries.

To illustrate general damages, we have created a table featuring injuries that a person could suffer in a horse riding accident, alongside examples of awards for general damages. The injuries and figures come from the April 2022 edition of the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). While they should not be taken as a guarantee of compensation for your injuries, the JCG is the source commonly used in personal injury claims and can help you understand valuations for different injuries. The amounts are calculated using previous court payouts.

Injury type Severity Settlement band
Back Injuries Severe (i) £91,090 to £160,980
Back Injuries Moderate (i) £27,760 to £38,780
Neck Injuries Severe (i) In the region of
Neck Injuries Moderate (i) £24,990 to
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Severe £59,860 to £100,670
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Moderatley Severe £23,150 to £59,860
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Less Severe £3,950 to £8,180
Shoulder Injuries Severe £19,200 to £48,030
Shoulder Injuries Moderate £7,890 to £12,770

As explained in the section above, your horse riding accident compensation can also include an amount that accounts for your financial needs.

For an estimated valuation please reach out to one of our advisers.

No Win No Fee Solicitors For Horse Riding Injuries

Horse riding accident claims could be supported by No Win No Fee solicitors. If you decide to claim with a No Win No Fee solicitor, their services could be provided under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).

If you hire a No Win No Fee solicitor for a horse riding injuries claim, the solicitor typically will not charge an upfront fee for their legal services. The claimant also is not typically required to cover any ongoing costs. If your claim is successful, a success fee will be taken from your horse riding accident compensation. The law caps the success fee. When a riding accident claim fails, the claimant will not typically be charged for their solicitor’s services.

Our advisors can answer any questions about horse riding accident claims. If your horse riding injuries compensation claim seems it could be successful, you could be passed on to our solicitors. To speak to our advisors:

Useful Resources Relating To Horse Riding Accident Claims

Horse Riding Accident Claims FAQs

What injuries can you get from horse riding?

Various injuries and traumas can be caused by a horse riding accident, such as:

  • Broken bones.
  • Lacerations
  • Fractures
  • Spinal damage
  • Head injuries
  • Bruises.
  • Sprains.

Can you sue for falling off a horse?

Under personal injury law, you could have grounds to claim if you are injured in a horse riding accident that was the fault of someone else. For instance, if a driver fails to acknowledge or respect a horse rider, their actions could cause an incident. If that is the case, then a claim could be a suitable course of action.

What are examples of minor injuries?

These include basic arm and leg injuries as well as cuts, burns, scalds, grazes and small bone breaks.

How are injury claims calculated?

Injury claims are calculated on a case specific basis. What this means is that all of the individual facts and circumstances of the case would be assessed when working out how much compensation could be appropriate.

Should you have any questions relating to horse riding accident claims / horse riding injuries compensation, please speak to one of our advisers.