By Lewis Hendrix. Last updated 31st July 2023. If you’ve been injured in a mopping accident, caused by somebody else’s negligence, you might be entitled to compensation for your injuries. In this guide we’re going to look at the reasons why somebody else might be liable, the amount of compensation you could be paid and how a No Win No Fee solicitor could help you. Mopping accident claims might be possible if you’re a cleaner and have been injured while mopping in certain circumstances which this guide will also cover.
Here at Accident Claims UK, we have a team of advisors who can offer a free assessment of your claim to help determine your chances of being compensated. If the case is strong enough, our panel of personal injury solicitors could help you make a No Win No Fee claim.
To talk to our team about your claim today, why not call 0800 073 8801. There’s no obligation and no pressure to proceed, so you’ve got nothing to lose. If you’d rather find out more about making a claim before you call us, please continue reading.
Select A Section
- What Are Mopping Accidents?
- Slips Caused By Wet Or Mopped Floors At Work
- I Was Injured In A Mopping Accident, What Compensation Could I Claim?
- Calculating Compensation For A Mopping Accident
- No Win No Fee Compensation Claims For A Mopping Accident
- Further Resources
What Are Mopping Accidents?
Mopping accident claims might be possible in a number of different scenarios. The most common accident is where somebody enters an area which has been cleaned (or is being cleaned) and then slips on a wet area causing them to fall and injure themselves.
These types of accidents can lead to painful injuries and could lead to a claim because:
- Warning signs weren’t used.
- Signage or cones were in place but there wasn’t enough of them.
- Incorrect mopping procedures were used including where too much water was used.
A cleaner could also make their own claim if they’ve been injured while mopping because they’ve not received enough training from their employer on how to mop correctly or were not provided with protective work equipment.
If you’re involved in an accident involving a wet floor which might lead to a claim, there are a number of things you could do to make your claim easier. These include:
- Photograph the scene of the accident. Do this as soon as possible because once the scene has been cleared, there won’t be any obvious evidence to prove your claim.
- Ask witnesses for their details. Also ask them to provide a statement of what happened.
- Report the accident. If you’re at work or in a public place such as a shop or restaurant, the accident needs to be recorded in an accident report book. A copy of the report can be used as evidence to support your claim.
- See if there was any CCTV footage covering the area.
- Visit a doctor for treatment. Even for minor injuries, you should be checked over. The medical records created by your doctor can be used as evidence in your claim.
- Photograph your injuries. Keep a track of your injuries by photographing them over time.
For more on mopping accident claims, please call our specialists today.
Slips Caused By Wet Or Mopped Floors At Work
Under the rules of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, employers need to take steps to keep staff safe wherever possible. Therefore, a claim for a slip on a wet floor in your workplace might be possible if mopping was taking place but the safety measures mentioned earlier weren’t being followed.
A claim might be possible if the cleaner chose not to follow the correct procedures or they hadn’t been trained properly by the employer.
You shouldn’t worry about making a claim for an accident at work as it’s illegal for you to be disciplined, sacked or persecuted for doing so. Your employer is required to have insurance to cover any such claim so don’t be put off from seeking the compensation you could be entitled to. To learn how to start mopping accident claims today, why not get in touch with our team?
How Long Do I Have To Claim For Mopping Accident Injuries
Whilst gathering evidence is an important part of the process when claiming for a mopped floor accident, making sure you start your claim within the time limit is just as important. The Limitation Act 1980 states that from the date you are injured, you’ll have three years to begin court proceedings. However, an exception may be made under certain circumstances.
Examples of when the time limit might be suspended in mopping accident claims include:
- When a child is injured. The limitation period is suspended until their 18th birthday. From then, they have until their 21st birthday to take action.
- If an adult lacks the mental capacity required to make their own claim. The time limit is suspended indefinitely and would only be reinstated in the event that the person regained the required capacity to claim alone.
In both cases where the time limit is frozen, a court-appointed litigation friend could make a claim on the injured party’s behalf. This should be someone who has the claimant’s best interests in mind, such as a legal guardian, parent or lawyer, for example.
Contact us at any time if you have questions about the limitation period. Our advisors are available 24/7 and can assist you free of charge.
I Was Injured In A Mopping Accident, What Compensation Could I Claim?
When you ask a personal injury lawyer to begin a claim for injuries caused by a mopping accident, they can use a number of different elements (known as heads of loss) to compile the claim. We’ve listed a few heads of loss below.
- General Damages. This is paid to compensate for the pain and suffering your injuries caused.
- Medication Costs. You might incur prescription or treatment costs because of your injury. If that’s the case, they could be included within your claim.
- Travel Costs. If your injuries mean you have to adjust the way you travel, i.e. you’re unable to drive for a while, then you could claim for alternate travel arrangements. You could also include the costs for fuel and parking when attending medical appointments.
- Personal Property Costs. If any item of personal property was damaged during a fall, you could claim for the cost of repairing or replacing it. Mopping accident claims might include damage to clothing, jewellery or mobile phones.
- Lost Income. When you need to take time off work to recover or attend doctor’s appointments, you could claim if you lose income. Also, for long term injuries, you could seek future loss of earnings too.
- Care Costs. If your injuries are serious enough that you require professional care to help you recover from your injuries, then the cost of that care could be included in your claim too.
The financial parts of the claim are known as special damages. To help your solicitor claim for these, you should try and keep hold of any receipts or bank statements. Also keep a diary of when you spend money and how it was linked to your injuries. Also, you should check with your
solicitor before committing to any large expenses to see if you’ll be able to claim them back.
Calculating Compensation For A Mopping Accident
We know that you might want to know how much compensation you could be entitled to. While it’s impossible for us to estimate your compensation amount without speaking to you, the personal injury compensation calculator table below shows the general damages payments (mentioned in the previous section) that could be made for some injuries.
Type of Injury | Severity | Range of Compensation | Notes |
Back | Minor to severe | Up to £141,150 | This is a compensation range which starts with payments for injuries such as bruising, strains and sprains and rises to injuires which are painful until healed (long term). |
Neck | Minor to severe | Up to £130,060 | This is a compensation range which starts with payments for injuries such as soft tissue injuries rising to injuries which will result in loss of movement and permanent pain. |
Toe | Moderate to severe | Up to £49,180 | This is a compensation range which starts with payments for injuries such as soft tissue damage rising to injuries which result in the amputation of all of the toes. |
Ankle | Minor to severe | Up to £61,110 | This is a compensation range which starts with payments for injuries such as simple strains and sprains but rises to complete loss of function of the ankle permanently. |
Foot | Minor to very severe | Up to £96,150 | This is a compensation range which starts with payments for injuries such as tissue damage injuries and rising to a much more serious injury resulting in the loss of the entire foot. |
Leg | Minor to severe | Up to £119,210 | This is a compensation range which starts with payments for injuries such as simple soft tissue injuries but rising to much more serious problems leading to permenant disability. |
Hand | Minor to serious | Up to £54,280 | This is a compensation range which starts with payments for injuries such as a soft tissue damage injury and then rising up to an injury resulting in long-term loss of the use of the hand. |
Wrist | Minor to severe | Up to £52,490 | This is a compensation range which starts with payments for injuries such as simple soft tissue damage and moving up to loss of the function of the wrist (permanently) |
Arm | Moderate to severe | Up to £114,810 | This is a compensation range which starts with payments for injuries such as those which are painbul but will heal eventually and going up to permenant damage which causes paralysis. |
Finger | Minor to severe | Up to £32,210 | This is a compensation range which starts with payments for injuries such as soft tissue damage injuries through rising to amputation of one or multiple fingers. |
Bear in mind that this is a small sample of injuries that can occur during a mopping accident. Also, the amount of compensation paid is determined by the severity of an injury. This won’t be known until you’ve been assessed by an independent doctor. To get a better estimation of how much compensation you could be paid in mopping accident claims, please speak with one of our advisors today.
No Win No Fee Compensation Claims For A Mopping Accident
If you have suffered an injury after slipping on a mopped floor, one of our solicitors may be able to help you, provided you have a valid case. Furthermore, they offer to work on your claim on a No Win No Fee basis with a Conditional Fee Agreement.
Some of the benefits of making a claim with a No Win No Fee solicitor include:
- No upfront service fees to pay.
- Not having to pay anything for their services during the process of your claim.
- If your claim is unsuccessful, you won’t have to pay your solicitor a service fee.
However, should your claim succeed, your solicitor will take a legally capped success fee from your compensation award.
For more information on how our solicitors could help with mopping accident claims, you can contact our friendly advisory team. They are available 24/7 to offer you free advice and answer your questions. They may also be able to connect you with one of our solicitors. You can reach them via:
- Calling 0800 073 8801
- Using our live chat.
- Contacting us online.
Further Resources
To assist you further, we’ve provided some additional resources and links which you might find useful.
Slips During Cleaning – A guide from the Health and Safety Executive which could help prevent a wet floor accident from occurring.
Broken Bone Guidance – Information from the NHS which can help you if you’ve broken a bone.
Accident In A Supermarket – This guide explains what to do following an accident in a supermarket and when you could make a claim.
The Health And Safety At Work Act 1974 – This is the legislation which could support a claim if you had a work accident involving mopping.
Wet Floor Accidents – If you’re looking to make a claim following a slip on a wet floor caused by something other than mopping, this guide could prove useful.
Accident At Work Claims – A detailed look at the types of accident at work claim you could make.
Thanks for reading our mopping accident claims guide. If you require any further information, please call an advisor today.