Farnborough Accident Claims Solicitors Farnborough – No Win No Fee Personal Injury Claims Covering The Farnborough Area

Accident claims solicitors Farnborough

Accident claims solicitors Farnborough

By Brett Williams. Last updated 25th August 2021. If you suffer an accident that could have been prevented, it is not only your physical injuries you could have to deal with you might also be feeling emotionally fragile, especially if your accident has caused you to lose out on income and you have suffered financially. It could be important to know that if this is the position you find yourself in, and it was someone else’s fault, then you could look into accident claims solicitors in Farnborough in order to try and recoup your financial losses, as well as gaining compensation for any suffering and the pain you’ve experienced.

In the sections below, we offer our accident claims advice surrounding accidents in Farnborough. We’ll explain the benefits of working with personal injury solicitors covering Farnborough, along with offering examples of types of accident claims, including car accident, motorbike accident, medical negligence and workplace accidents. We’ll also discuss why we feel that a no win no fee solicitor could be a wise option, as well as explaining about the accident claims time limit that could mean you’d need to act quickly to preserve your right to make an accident claim. Before you begin reading the rest of this guide, you should be aware that if anything in this guide seems unclear, we’d be glad to clarify it if you call our team on 0800 073 8801.

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What Is An Accident Claims Solicitor Covering Farnborough?

A personal injury solicitor could help you if you have accident claims in Farnborough. With years of education in the legal system, they could help you bring a personal injury claim to a successful conclusion.

If you are unsure as to whether an accident claim would be appropriate in your case, you simply need to check whether:

  1. You suffered some kind of illness or injury (mental or physical).
  2. Your injury was caused by an incident where someone acted dangerously or negligently with regards to your health and safety. This could be an employer who did not train you how to do a task safely, resulting in injury, or it could be a driver that veered into oncoming traffic, causing you to have a road accident in Farnborough. The third party who you hold responsible must have owed you a duty of care.
  3. Your claim is within the appropriate time limit. This is usually 3 years from the accident date but could differ for CICA claims, or illnesses that have developed over time, or were not diagnosed at the time. For further information of exceptions of the rule please speak to our advisors.

If these statements appear to be true for your case, then you could look for accident claims solicitors to help with accident claims in Farnborough.

If you’re still unsure, then you could call our accident claims advice line for more clarification. We’d be happy to talk it over with you and give you our honest opinion as to whether we think you would have a valid accident claim.

Traffic And Road Accidents In Farnborough

Accidents on the road could also lead to you seeking the services of accident claims solicitors covering Farnborough. Drivers have the responsibility to use the road in a safe manner, whether they’re driving for work or for leisure. If they ignore the rules of the road, for example by speeding, overtaking in an unsafe situation or in another way, and you are injured, for example with whiplash, then you could consider making accident claims in Farnborough for compensation.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a passenger in a taxi, bus, or car, or you are a driver or pedestrian, if you are injured on the road because of someone else’s behaviour, then you could claim not only compensation for your injuries, but also for the financial costs you might have had to bear while recovering such as medical costs including prescriptions, as well as lost earnings if you’ve had to have time off work.

Slip, Trip And Fall Accidents

There are a variety of incidents that could lead to slip, trip and fall accidents, such as a loose floorboard or rug, or an unsafe working platform. If your slip or fall was someone else’s fault, for example, they did not fix the flooring or provide a safe working place, and they had a responsibility to do so, then you could consider making a claim for compensation for your injuries. Finding out who your accident claim solicitors would be making a claim against on your behalf is easy if you call our team. We could help clarify who would be liable if you give us some details about your accident.

Accident At Work Compensation

Your employer must abide by workplace law, and when it comes to the health and safety of staff, any employer has a responsibility by law to ensure your workplace is a safe one. Whether you are on a building site or in an office or shop, your employer should take steps to ensure that you have all that you need to do your job safely. This could include:

  • PPE (Protective equipment)
  • Sufficient training
  • Supervision if needed
  • A safe working area
  • Risks assessments and plans to reduce risk
  • And more…

If you feel that your employer has not taken the required steps to ensure your health and safety, then they could be found liable for workplace accident claims in Farnborough if an employee is injured as a result.

Accident and illness claims at work could take a couple of different forms. There are those injuries or illnesses caused by a single event, such as a fall, or being trapped in a machine, but there are also those that come on over time. RSI, tendonitis, industrial deafness, mesothelioma and more could be included in workplace claims as they are conditions that could be caused by your work activities. If your employer has not done enough to protect you from the risk of developing one of these conditions, you could consider putting forward a claim for accident at work compensation if you are suffering with a preventable indutrail disease.

Injuries Reported At Work In Hampshire

Injury at work statistics for Hampshire could be seen in the table below. We have taken these from the HSE website. You could visit the site yourself to look at statistics in other areas if you visit this link.

Location Total – non fatal injuries Total – non fatal injuries per 100,000 workers Fatal injuries
Hampshire 1190 224 2

Compensation For Assault And Other Criminal Injuries

You may think that only physical acts of violence would result in accident claims in Farnborough. While it is true that you could claim compensation for assault and battery, you could also consider claiming if you have been mentally affected by witnessing a violent incident. Claims could also be made for physical and sexual abuse, and sometimes these could be claimed for historically. Most claims through the CICA, the government agency that compensates victims of crime, have a two-year time limit, it may be worth consulting accident claims solicitors covering Farnborough sooner rather than later to see if you could have cause to claim.

Public Place Accident Compensation

If you are injured in a public park because it has not been made safe, then you might make a public place injury claim with the help of accident claims solicitors covering Farnborough against the council. This is because the council could be considered responsible for the area. Similarly, if you are injured in a shopping centre and it was not your fault, it could be the fault of the shopping centre owner/operator. Making accident claims in Farnborough for public place accidents does not have to be stressful with an experienced personal injury solicitor to help you. They could assist with finding out who is to blame as well as building the case against the responsible party.

Medical Negligence Compensation

If you suffered an incident of negligence while under the care of a GP, hospital doctor at Farnborough accident and emergency, midwife, surgeon, dentist or care home, and it caused damage to your health, you may want to look into making accident claims in Farnborough for medical negligence compensation. Injuries could occur in a number of different situations, and could include:

  • Negligence by your surgeon as they have operated on a healthy organ.
  • Injuries to your baby, or you because your midwife did not monitor you properly in labour.
  • Late diagnosis of an illness because your GP did not listen to your symptoms or examine you properly which caused caused your condition to worsen.
  • Dental negligence by way of the removal of a healthy tooth.

These are just a few examples of incidents that could lead to medical negligence claims in Farnborough. Whatever the type of negligence, if your health has suffered, why not get in touch to see if you could be provided with accident claims solicitors covering Farnborough to help you with your medical negligence claim.

No Win No Fee Accident Claims Solicitors Covering Farnborough

In our opinion, one of the best ways to go about making accident claims in Farnborough is to work with a no win no fee solicitor. This could be because their legal fees depend on the success of your case, because their fees are taken as a percentage of your accident compensation payout. You would know, if you choose a personal injury lawyer that works to this payment structure, that they would want to get you the maximum compensation possible for your case, as they would benefit from this as well. It also saves you from having to pay an upfront sum to retain the services of your accident claim solicitor. If you’d like to know more about making claims of this type, or about our panel of accident claims solicitors, then simply call us and we’ll answer any questions you have.

Talk To Us

If you’d like us to provide you with accident claims solicitors covering Farnborough to help with your claim, or you want to learn more about the process, or wish to talk over your specific accident or injury to see if you could have cause to claim, then 0800 073 8801 is the number you need to talk about your accident in Farnborough today. All of our advisors are on hand to offer free advice with no obligation to use our service, and we’ll handle any call with sensitivity and professionalism. If you prefer not to chat to us now, you could fill in the contact form and we’d get back to you, or email office@accidentclaims.co.uk with your details. We look forward to helping you any way we can.

How Accident Claims UK could help you

Whether you’ve been injured by a criminal, because of medical negligence or in a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault, you could seek damages for your suffering and financial losses. While you might not think about it at the time you were injured, you might realise that compensation could help you to recover and then you might want to look for accident claims solicitors in Farnborough to help you claim. Although you may find solicitors and lawyers working in the Station Road, Lynchford Road or Wharf Road areas of Farnborough, not all of them will specialise in accident claims in the same way that we do.

You’re not limited to using local solicitors so you could call our team for free legal advice on your claim. Importantly, each of our solicitors are registered with the Solicitors Regulation Authority. They work remotely to offer an efficient service. This means you don’t need to travel to our offices as we’re able to conduct claims over email, the phone and online. As we’ve explained, our team work on a No Win No Fee basis and will always try to achieve the highest level of compensation possible.

If your claim is taken on after it has been reviewed, we’ll put you in contact with your lawyer. They’ll begin the case by finding out how you’ve been affected in more detail. This will allow them to include everything in your claim. To help back up your allegations, your solicitor will move quickly to secure evidence. This might include witness statements, hospital records or accident report forms. As part of the claims process, your injuries will need to be documented by an independent specialist. Therefore, a local appointment for a medical assessment will be booked.

We don’t want you to be bamboozled by legal or medical jargon during your claim. Therefore, your solicitor will handle all enquiries. Where the defendant argues over liability, your solicitor will try to counter them using their legal expertise or supplying further evidence.

One thing to bear in mind is that we don’t always accept the first compensation offer we receive. If it is clear that an offer doesn’t sufficiently cover the level of suffering or financial loss you’ve endured, we’ll fight hard to try and increase it.

To learn more about how our personal injury solicitors covering Farnborough could help you, please call our advice line today.

Frequently Asked Questions

In the sections below, we answer some questions that you could have about accident claims in Farnborough.

Could A Solicitor Help My Claim?

While it could be possible to make an accident claim without an accident claim solicitor, you could find it more difficult. Our accident claims solicitors could make claiming easier, by bringing years of experience and knowledge to put a strong argument together for your case. Whether it’s an air accident, car accident, accident at work or medical negligence, they could have previous cases to draw on when arguing your case, so you could have more of a chance of winning your case. If you’re unsure on whether you’d have a valid claim, a personal injury solicitor could review your case to see if they think it is strong enough.

Is It Best To Claim With Local Solicitors?

While you could type ‘solicitors near me’ into a search engine, you may be missing out on other solicitors that could handle your case. We are a nationwide service, and we could provide accident claims solicitors covering Farnborough who have experience in your kind of claim.

Are Medical Assessments Part Of The Claims Process?

Medical assessments could be an important part of your accident claim. When you put your details into a personal injury claims calculator, it would put out a figure based on the simplest of details. When your settlement amount is considered by whoever is looking at your claim, they could need more information to make a decision on how much compensation you should receive. Being assessed by an independent doctor means they could put together a report containing all the details of your injury/ies and your prognosis and this is what could be used to calculate your settlement amount correctly.

Where Could I Have An Assessment?

An assessment does not have to be too far from where you live. We work with a panel of independent doctors, and some could be quite local to you. This could include:

Patrick Kirwin

2-4 Pond Head Lane Wokingham Rd

Earley Reading


Farnborough Area Resources

HSE – All about making reports – This could assist if you’d like to know more about reporting injuries in the workplace.

Hampshire Police – This link brings you to the Hampshire Police site.

Aldershot Court – You can find local court details here.

GOV- Farnborough information – This is the Government’s page on Farnborough.

Accidents on a building site – If you have suffered a site accident, this guide might be of use.

Cycling accidents on the road– Our guide covers how to claim as a cyclist.

Wrongful death – This guide covers what to do if someone you love has been killed in an accident that was not their fault.

Thank you for reading our guide on accident claims solicitors in Farnborough and how personal injury solicitors covering Farnborough can help you claim.

Article by Jo Edited by Mel.