Groin Injury Claims – No Win No Fee Claims For A Groin Injury

By Joanne Jeffries. Last Updated 5th September 2022. Welcome to our guide on groin injury claims. If you’re considering making groin injury compensation claims, this could be because you’ve injured your groin in an accident that wasn’t your fault. This guide explains how a groin tear could occur, and what hip injury compensation amounts could be achievable for a torn groin due to negligence.


Groin injuries, by their very nature, could be painful and debilitating. If you sustain such an injury due to someone’s irresponsible or negligent behaviour, claiming compensation for an injury may bring you a sense of justice.

While claiming compensation may not help you recover any quicker, it could help you to deal with any financial expenses your injuries cause, as well as compensating you for the suffering and pain of your injury.

Helping With Torn Groin and Hip Injury Claims

hip injury compensation amounts 2. groin tear 3. torn groin Groin injury claims

Groin injury claims

We have created this guide to explain what you may need to know when making groin injury claims. In the sections below, we take a look at the type of injury you may have sustained, as well as the treatment options you may have. We also take a look at how you could sustain an injury to the groin.

In addition to this, you’ll find insight into how much compensation you could claim for a groin injury, and how we could help you understand your potential personal injury claim. To get started with a No Win No Fee groin injury claim right away, or for a free eligibility check, you can call our team on 0800 073 8801 at any time.

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A Guide To Making Groin Injury Claims

There are many different types of incident that could lead to groin injury claims. You may have sustained a torn ligament or a torn muscle in a slip, trip or fall, or perhaps you’ve suffered a groin strain or hernia in an accident at work. Maybe you’ve suffered an injury to the adductor muscles in a road traffic accident, or medical negligence has led to the worsening of a hernia.

Whatever injury you’ve suffered, if someone else was at fault for it, you could be eligible to claim compensation. We have created this guide to talk you through the personal injury claims process, and to give you advice on what type of accidents could lead to a claim.

In the sections below, we explain the type and severity of groin injuries a person could sustain, from overstretched ligaments to problems with the pelvis and hips, to hernias. We look at what could cause such injuries, including accidents at work, road traffic accidents and medical negligence cases. In addition to this, we offer guidance on what damages you could claim, and how to go about finding a solicitor who could help you without you having to pay legal fees upfront.

We hope you find the information in this guide useful. If you have any questions about anything contained in this guide, do not hesitate to call our expert team. We would be happy to provide you with help and guidance over the phone.

What Is A Groin Injury?

Before we explain what could lead to groin injury claims, we should first explain what causes groin discomfort and what other groin injuries you could experience.

According to the NHS, groin strain is usually an injury people sustain during sporting activities, during movements such as twisting, turning, kicking and changing direction. However, this type of movement could occur in a slip, trip or fall accident, while undertaking manual handling activities, or performing other tasks.

The pain of a groin strain could be felt in the bursae, muscles or tendons. Commonly, the cause of groin pain occurs when the adductor longus muscle is affected.

How Could Groin Injuries Lead To Groin Injury Claims?

To be eligible to make groin injury claims, you would need to be able to evidence that:

  • Someone had a duty of care towards you. This could be a motorist having the duty to drive safely, an employer having a duty to keep you safe at work, or a business having a duty to keep their premises safe, for example. In medical negligence cases, a medical professional could have a duty of care to provide a safe standard of treatment.
  • They broke that duty of care towards you. This could be a motorist driving recklessly, or without due care or attention. It could be an employer’s failure to train you how to work safely, or a business owner who fails to make their premises safe, for example. In medical negligence cases, it could mean a medical professional providing substandard care.
  • The breach of that person’s duty of care caused you to sustain a groin injury.

In addition to this, you would need to launch your claim within the personal injury claims time limit that applies to your claim. If you’d like to know how long you could have to claim, we could provide this information to you over the phone. You’d usually have 3 years, but some exceptions could apply to this.

Groin Injury Symptoms

If you’re wondering ‘How do you tell if you pulled your groin?’ it could be important to remember that symptoms of a groin injury could vary in type and severity. We would urge anyone suffering from a groin injury to seek medical advice. Groin strain can be graded, which we explain below:

  • Grade I groin strain  These would usually cause only mild discomfort. The injured party would likely have no disability and the muscle strain wouldn’t limit their activity.
  • Grade II groin strain: A person with a grade II groin strain could have moderate discomfort. Moderate levels of bruising and swelling may occur.
  • Grade III groin strain: This is a level of injury that could cause a person difficulty with walking. There may also be muscle spasms, significant bruising, and swelling.

Male groin injury symptoms

Male groin injury symptoms could include:

  • Tenderness and pain inside the thigh and in the groin area
  • Pain when bringing your legs together
  • Some pain when raising your knee
  • The area being warm to touch
  • Swelling and bruising within the area
  • A popping or snapping feeling when the injury occurs

Female groin injury symptoms

While it is thought that men are more likely to sustain a groin injury, there is no reason to think it would not be possible for a woman to sustain such an injury. A groin strain in a female may cause:

  • Tenderness and pain inside the thigh and in the groin area
  • Pain when bringing your legs together
  • Some pain when raising your knee
  • The area being warm to touch
  • Swelling and bruising within the area
  • A popping or snapping feeling when the injury occurs

Is A Groin Injury Serious?

While some groin injuries could be quite mild and only require rest for you to recover, others may be quite serious. We explain one of the more serious types of groin injury in the next section.

Hernia Injuries

Another groin injury a person could sustain could be a groin hernia. A hernia is where an internal part of the body pushes its way through a weak spot in tissue wall or muscles.

Types of groin hernia

There are two main types of hernia that could affect the groin. They include:

  • Inguinal hernias: According to the NHS, these are more common in men. They could be present from birth, but they could also happen due to coughing, lifting or straining.
  • Femoral hernias: These are usually caused when a fatty piece of tissue or part of the bowel pokes through the groin. They occur more commonly in women.

Groin hernia symptoms

  • A femoral hernia: This could cause mild swelling at the top of the thigh, close to the groin in the inner pelvis. The symptoms could include vomiting and nausea as well as very severe levels of pain in the hip joint, pelvis, and the abdominals. Unfortunately, in many cases, these symptoms could mean that the herniated tissue has become stuck, which could lead to a requirement for urgent surgical intervention.
  • An inguinal hernia: These types of hernia can cause groin swelling which could occur when lifting heavy loads or bending forwards. Other symptoms could include a heavy feeling in the groin and abdominal discomfort. If an inguinal hernia is not treated, it could get larger, and cause more painful symptoms. In some cases, it could become strangulated, which could mean you need surgery.

Groin Injury Treatment And Recovery

If you’re wondering ‘How do you treat a groin injury?’, depending on whether you have hip strain, a pulled groin or a hernia, your treatment and recovery pathways could differ.

  • An overstretched groin/groin pull: The injury would usually heal on its own. You would usually just need to rest, although you could ice the area, compress your thigh and take painkillers to help with the pain. Depending on how severe the injury is, you may need to perform exercises to help you strengthen the muscles in the area. For the most severe groin strain/pull injuries, you may need surgery.
  • A hernia: Although some hernias will not get better without surgery, they may not always get worse without it. While surgical treatment may be necessary in many cases, depending on the part of the body that is protruding and whether it is likely to become trapped or strangulated, in other cases, doctors may decide the risk of surgery outweighs the benefits.
  • Hip strain: In some cases, hip strain may lead to surgery, while in other cases, you may require physiotherapy.

How Long Does It Take For A Groin Injury To Heal?

Recovery times could vary depending on the nature and severity of your injury. If you feel that a groin strain is taking forever to heal, or are wondering ‘Is walking bad for a groin injury?’ it might be worth seeking further medical attention to get the most appropriate recovery advice.

In general terms, a pulled groin recovery time could be 4 to 6 weeks as a rough estimate, but this would depend on how bad the pull was. If you’re wondering how to stay in shape with a groin injury, you may want to seek advice from a physiotherapist, who could assess your injury and provide professional advice.

Causes Of Groin Injuries In The Workplace

One of the most common causes of groin injuries is lifting something heavy, and performing twisting and stretching movements, or changing direction rapidly. While these could occur in sporting activities, they could also occur in the workplace, if you:

  • Have a slip, trip or fall, stretching or overextending your groin muscles.
  • Perform heavy lifting activities, causing a hernia in your groin or stomach wall.
  • Perform pulling activities involving heavy loads, putting strain on the groin muscles.

Below, we take a look at these types of incidents in more detail.

Groin Injuries Caused By Trips, Slips And Falls

If you sustain a groin injury in a slip, trip or fall accident, this could be because your groin muscles have overextended. To make groin injury claims for such an accident, you would need evidence that someone was at fault for your groin injury. This could be:

  • An employer who knows about but has not taken steps to remove or make you aware of a slip or trip hazard.
  • Employers that haven’t provided you with proper footwear while working on slippery surfaces.

In such cases, your employer could be in breach of the Health and Safety At Work etc. Act 1974. If they are, you could be eligible to make an injury claim against them.

Groin Injuries Caused By Manual Handling Accidents

Have you sustained groin injuries because your employer hasn’t provided you with manual handling training, or they’ve asked you to lift or pull a load that was too heavy for you? If so, your employer could be in breach of the Health and Safety At Work etc Act 1974 here too.

One of their duties within the Act is to provide you with appropriate training to do your job safely. If they fail to train you in safe lifting techniques, and you sustain injuries because of this, you could claim compensation for your injuries.

Employers also have a duty to make suitable and sufficient risk assessments for manual handling activities that could risk injury to employees. If they fail to do so, and you sustain a groin injury as a result, you could make a claim against them for compensation.

Workplace Groin Injury Claims

Making groin injury claims against an employer may be something you approach with trepidation. However, this shouldn’t be the case. Your employer has a legal duty to protect your health and safety in the workplace.

Whether you are a temporary worker or a permanent employee, this duty is something your employer should take seriously. If they are negligent in their legal duty to protect you, it would only be fair for you to claim compensation for the harm you suffered because of their negligence.

One of the reasons people may worry about making a claim against their employer is because they may worry it would lead to a dismissal. However, the law protects you from being treated differently from other employees in such situations, and your employer should have insurance to cover such claims.

In some cases, making a claim could be beneficial. It could highlight health and safety risks that your employer could then act on, reducing the risk of such an accident occurring again.

Hip Injury Compensation Amounts

If you have suffered a hip injury, whether it is a groin tear or a broken hip, you might be seeking compensation if it was due to someone else’s negligence. When solicitors value hip injury compensation amounts, they do so by assessing a variety of factors. Every case is different, and one torn groin claim might fetch a significantly different amount than another.

The factors specific to your case might include:

  • How severe the groin tear is initially
  • Whether you have experienced any impact on your quality of life
  • If you’ve needed to take time away from work and lost out on income as a result
  • Whether you’ve suffered a psychological injury due to your hip injury
  • Whether you’ve incurred financial expense due to the injury

How To Calculate Hip Injury Compensation Amounts

Once solicitors and courts have assessed all of these factors they might also use the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help them value how much you could claim in general damages. General damages is the compensation you could receive for pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused by your injuries.

The table below contains guideline hip injury compensation amounts from the JCG. We have used the latest version of this publication to populate the table. It was released in April 2022. These figures only represent a rough guide however, and only apply to cases in England and Wales. Plus, they don’t include compensation for financial costs and losses which can be claimed under special damages. If you would like a more personalised compensation assessment, please call us today.

Injury Notes Guideline Payout Bracket
Hernia Limiting physical activity and/or causing continuing pain. £14,900 to £24,170
Hernia Direct with no pre-existing weakness. Inguinal, with some risks of recurrence £7,010 to £9,110
Hernia Uncomplicated inguinal indirect hernia, possibly with repair, with no damage or injury to abdominals £3,390 to £7,230
Pelvic/hip injuries Moderate £12,590 to £52,500
Pelvic/hip injuries Lesser injuries Up to £12,590
CRPS Severe £52,500 to £84,010
CRPS Moderate £28,030 to £52,500
Other Pain Disorders Severe £42,130 to £62,990
Other Pain Disorders Moderate £21,070 to £38,490

Special Damages That You Could Be Eligible To Claim

Also known as pecuniary costs, or out-of-pocket expenses, these relate to the financial damage your injuries cause. There are several different costs and losses you could claim for. We have illustrated some examples below.

Care Costs

Should you require assistance at home with washing, toileting or dressing, for example, you may incur care costs. You could include these as special damages within your claim.

Travel Costs

You may not realise it, but you could incur travel costs as a direct result of your injuries. If you’ve paid for transport to hospital appointments, or even to meet with your solicitor, you could claim for these expenses.

Medical Expenses

Although NHS care is free at the point of access, you may incur medical expenses relating to prescription medicines or even physiotherapy or counselling. If you do, you could claim such medical expenses within your claim.

Loss Of Earnings

Some injuries mean that victims of personal injury aren’t able to attend work for a while. If they lose out on income because of time off work as a direct result of their injuries, they could claim for loss of earnings within a personal injury claim. In some cases, they could also include future loss of earnings if they’re not able to return to work in the future.

No Win No Fee Groin Injury Claims

If you were considering making groin injury claims, and wanted a personal injury lawyer to help you, you may worry about the costs involved. You might, therefore, be interested to learn that there is a way of getting help from a lawyer without paying them upfront.

With No Win No Fee claims, you would only pay your lawyer’s legal fees if they arranged compensation for you. And, better still, you wouldn’t pay your lawyer’s fee until your compensation payout comes through.

How Do No Win No Fee Claims Work?

The process usually works as follows:

  1. The lawyer you’ve chosen sends you a No Win No Fee agreement. This is, effectively, a promise to pay your lawyer. This sum would be legally capped. You would only pay it if your case brought you compensation.
  2. You sign and send back the agreement. Your personal injury solicitor begins to build your case and negotiate compensation for you.
  3. If the other side admits liability, your lawyer could negotiate a settlement for you. If they refuse or dispute your claim, your lawyer could help you take them to court.
  4. Your compensation comes through. The lawyer deducts the success you agreed to in the No Win No Fee Agreement, and the rest is for your benefit.

If, for some reason, your claim doesn’t end with a compensation payout, you wouldn’t have to pay the success fee. Should you have questions about making a claim under a No Win No Fee Agreement, our team will be only too happy to help. If you’d prefer to read more about No Win No Fee claims, you could read our guide instead.

Beginning A Groin Injury Case

Whether you’re searching for free legal advice, or want to check your eligibility to claim, we could help. Not only could we answer your questions about groin injury claims and check whether you could have a valid claim, but we could also provide you with a specialist solicitor who could start your claim for you. All you need to do is get in touch. You can do so by:

Essential References

What Exercise Can I Do With A Groin Strain?: This NHS publication could give you some answers to this common question.

What Are The Groin Muscles?: This gives you some insight into the muscles that make up the groin.

Inguinal Hernia Repair: This NHS guide gives some insight into the reparation of an inguinal hernia.

Claiming for Accidents At Work: Our guide covers workplace accident claim in more detail.

Manual Handling Claims: You can read more about claiming for manual handling injuries here.

Hip Injury At Work Case Study: Here, you can read about a settlement for a hip injury at work claim.

FAQ About Groin Injury Claims

How Do I Know If My Groin Injury Is Serious?

If you have a groin strain, this could potentially be a severe injury which causes pain when you walk. There could also be pain while sitting and you may even experience pain at night. It could be difficult to walk and you may experience muscle spasms, severe bruising and swelling.

If you believe you have suffered a severe groin injury, you should seek medical attention.

What Do You Call A Groin Injury?

If you feel a pull in your groin, this could be a groin strain. However, there are other injuries that could cause a pulling sensation so it would be wise to go and get your injury checked out so you could get confirmation of what the injury you’ve suffered is.

What Is The Most Common Groin Injury?

The most common groin injury is an adductor strain, or groin strain, which happens when your adductor muscles, where your thigh meets your pelvis, are torn or stretched over and above their usual range of motion.

How Long Does It Take For Your Groin Injury To Heal?

Most incidences of groin strain heal within the space of about 4-8 weeks. However, if you have suffered a more serious injury, this could take longer to heal. You may find that some severe groin injuries require surgery, especially if they involve hernias. As always, it is wise to listen to your doctor when they give you instructions for how to heal effectively.